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Dlaczego białe tło w fotografii produktowej?


Białe tło jest praktycznie zawsze obecne na zdjęciach produktowych, jest wymagane np. na Allegro, na Amazonie, na Facebooku. Skąd pomysł na biały? Dlaczego biały, a nie jakiś inny kolor zdominował tło produktu?


Biały jest neutralny.

Białe tło na zdjęciu produktowym pozwala na uzyskanie bardzo czystego obrazu.

Biel również podbija siłę innych kolorów, jest uważany za barwę neutralną, dzięki czemu koncentrujemy uwagę na samym produkcie i jego walorach.



product photography of accessories and water heaters - product photography - product photography studio
Product packshots of HVAC equipment
Product photography for a manufacturer of water heaters, air curtains
product photography of accessories and water heaters - product photography - product photography studio
Product packshots of HVAC equipment
Product photography for a manufacturer of water heaters, air curtains
product photography of accessories and water heaters - product photography - product photography studio
Product packshots of HVAC equipment
Product photography for a manufacturer of water heaters, air curtains
product photography of accessories and water heaters - product photography - product photography studio
Product packshots of HVAC equipment
Product photography for a manufacturer of water heaters, air curtains
product photography of accessories and water heaters - product photography - product photography studio
Product packshots of HVAC equipment
Product photography for a manufacturer of water heaters, air curtains
product photography of accessories and water heaters - product photography - product photography studio
Product packshots of HVAC equipment
Product photography for a manufacturer of water heaters, air curtains
product photography of accessories and water heaters - product photography - product photography studio
Product packshots of HVAC equipment
Product photography for a manufacturer of water heaters, air curtains
product photography of accessories and water heaters - product photography - product photography studio
Product packshots of HVAC equipment
Product photography for a manufacturer of water heaters, air curtains


Tło w białym kolorze często widzimy w katalogach, na stronach internetowych.

Z takim tłem fotograficznym łatwiej zbudować jednolity wygląd np. sklepu z ubraniami lub bloga. Większość z nas zgodzi się ze stwierdzeniem, że białe tło wygląda poprostu profesjonalnie. Inni uważają, że możemy przypisać bieli jej ponadczasowość.


Jest to bardzo neutralna barwa i jest dość bezpieczną opcją kolorystyczą. Biały jest też kolorem nowych technologii np. Apple, Alphabet, Tesla.

Patrząc na wszystkie właściwości bieli nie dziwi nas fakt, że tło z tym kolorem to pierwszy wybór na zdjęciach produktowych. 


product photography ghost - packshot photos by product photography studio
Product photography ghost - clothing
Product photos of clothing made in the form of a ghost
product photography ghost - packshot photos by product photography studio
Product photography ghost - clothing
Product photos of clothing made in the form of a ghost
product photography ghost - packshot photos by product photography studio
Product photography ghost - clothing
Product photos of clothing made in the form of a ghost
product photography ghost - packshot photos by product photography studio
Product photography ghost - clothing
Product photos of clothing made in the form of a ghost
product photography ghost - packshot photos by product photography studio
Product photography ghost - clothing
Product photos of clothing made in the form of a ghost
product photography ghost - packshot photos by product photography studio
Product photography ghost - clothing
Product photos of clothing made in the form of a ghost
product photography ghost - packshot photos by product photography studio
Product photography ghost - clothing
Product photos of clothing made in the form of a ghost
product photography ghost - packshot photos by product photography studio
Product photography ghost - clothing
Product photos of clothing made in the form of a ghost
product photography ghost - packshot photos by product photography studio
Product photography ghost - clothing
Product photos of clothing made in the form of a ghost
product photography ghost - packshot photos by product photography studio
Product photography ghost - clothing
Product photos of clothing made in the form of a ghost
product photography ghost - packshot photos by product photography studio
Product photography ghost - clothing
Product photos of clothing made in the form of a ghost
product photography ghost - packshot photos by product photography studio
Product photography ghost - clothing
Product photos of clothing made in the form of a ghost
See more
Zdjęcia produktowe do Allegro
Zdjęcia produktowe do Allegro
Zdjęcia na Instagramie
Zdjęcia na Instagramie
Co to jest Brief w fotografii produktowej?
Co to jest Brief w fotografii produktowej?
Zdjęcia na podstawie zapachu, czy możliwe?
Zdjęcia na podstawie zapachu, czy możliwe?
Product photography and graphic design studio

At, we take product packshot photos, advertising photos in individual arrangements, photos of clothing in spirit and on models (lookbooks). Our product and advertising photography studio is located in Bielsko-Biała, but we serve clients from Poland and all over Europe. Check our price list for product and advertising photography. Speak soon!


Product photography COPYRIGHT © 2022 All rights reserved. we have been operating since 2008-2022, we celebrate 14 years.