flyer1 flyer2 flyer3 flyer4 flyer5

Fotografia produktowa ubrań i odzieży


Product photography Lookbook for a manufacturer of caps for women - advertising photography and lookbook - product photography studio
Fashion photography session of winter caps
Fashion photography session for winter hats
Product photography Lookbook for a manufacturer of caps for women - advertising photography and lookbook - product photography studio
Fashion photography session of winter caps
Fashion photography session for winter hats
Product photography Lookbook for a manufacturer of caps for women - advertising photography and lookbook - product photography studio
Fashion photography session of winter caps
Fashion photography session for winter hats
Product photography Lookbook for a manufacturer of caps for women - advertising photography and lookbook - product photography studio
Fashion photography session of winter caps
Fashion photography session for winter hats
Product photography Lookbook for a manufacturer of caps for women - advertising photography and lookbook - product photography studio
Fashion photography session of winter caps
Fashion photography session for winter hats
Product photography Lookbook for a manufacturer of caps for women - advertising photography and lookbook - product photography studio
Fashion photography session of winter caps
Fashion photography session for winter hats
Product photography Lookbook for a manufacturer of caps for women - advertising photography and lookbook - product photography studio
Fashion photography session of winter caps
Fashion photography session for winter hats
Product photography Lookbook for a manufacturer of caps for women - advertising photography and lookbook - product photography studio
Fashion photography session of winter caps
Fashion photography session for winter hats
Product photography Lookbook for a manufacturer of caps for women - advertising photography and lookbook - product photography studio
Fashion photography session of winter caps
Fashion photography session for winter hats
Product photography Lookbook for a manufacturer of caps for women - advertising photography and lookbook - product photography studio
Fashion photography session of winter caps
Fashion photography session for winter hats
Product photography Lookbook for a manufacturer of caps for women - advertising photography and lookbook - product photography studio
Fashion photography session of winter caps
Fashion photography session for winter hats
Product photography Lookbook for a manufacturer of caps for women - advertising photography and lookbook - product photography studio
Fashion photography session of winter caps
Fashion photography session for winter hats

Jak atrakcyjnie zaprezentować ubrania?

Aktualnie przeglądanie ofert produktów odzieżowych odbywa się głównie w e-commerce, czyli w sklepach internetowych, social mediach jak Instagram czy w marketplace typu Allegro, Ebay do Amazona włącznie.

Opcji jest wiele, ale standardy, które podobają się klientowi to połączenie kilku rodzajów fotografii produktowej.




PACKSHOT - najprostsze rozwiązanie to typowy packshot czy i zdjęcia wykonane na białym tle lub bez, które mają na celu skupienie uwagi oglądającego na produkcie. Jest to najszybsze i najtańsze rozwiązanie, które jest obowiązkowe by rozpocząć prezentacje produktów w e-commerce. 

Product photography packshot of men's footwear - product photography studio
Product photography of a packshot of men's shoes
Packshot product photos - men's leather, formal shoes
Product photography packshot of men's footwear - product photography studio
Product photography of a packshot of men's shoes
Packshot product photos - men's leather, formal shoes
Product photography packshot of men's footwear - product photography studio
Product photography of a packshot of men's shoes
Packshot product photos - men's leather, formal shoes
Product photography packshot of men's footwear - product photography studio
Product photography of a packshot of men's shoes
Packshot product photos - men's leather, formal shoes
Product photography packshot of men's footwear - product photography studio
Product photography of a packshot of men's shoes
Packshot product photos - men's leather, formal shoes
Product photography packshot of men's footwear - product photography studio
Product photography of a packshot of men's shoes
Packshot product photos - men's leather, formal shoes
Product photography packshot of men's footwear - product photography studio
Product photography of a packshot of men's shoes
Packshot product photos - men's leather, formal shoes
Product photography packshot of men's footwear - product photography studio
Product photography of a packshot of men's shoes
Packshot product photos - men's leather, formal shoes
Product photography packshot of men's footwear - product photography studio
Product photography of a packshot of men's shoes
Packshot product photos - men's leather, formal shoes
Product photography packshot of men's footwear - product photography studio
Product photography of a packshot of men's shoes
Packshot product photos - men's leather, formal shoes
Product photography packshot of men's footwear - product photography studio
Product photography of a packshot of men's shoes
Packshot product photos - men's leather, formal shoes
Product photography packshot of men's footwear - product photography studio
Product photography of a packshot of men's shoes
Packshot product photos - men's leather, formal shoes
Product photography packshot of men's footwear - product photography studio
Product photography of a packshot of men's shoes
Packshot product photos - men's leather, formal shoes
Product photography packshot of men's footwear - product photography studio
Product photography of a packshot of men's shoes
Packshot product photos - men's leather, formal shoes
Product photography packshot of men's footwear - product photography studio
Product photography of a packshot of men's shoes
Packshot product photos - men's leather, formal shoes
Product photography packshot of men's footwear - product photography studio
Product photography of a packshot of men's shoes
Packshot product photos - men's leather, formal shoes
Product photography packshot of men's footwear - product photography studio
Product photography of a packshot of men's shoes
Packshot product photos - men's leather, formal shoes
Product photography packshot of men's footwear - product photography studio
Product photography of a packshot of men's shoes
Packshot product photos - men's leather, formal shoes
Product photography packshot of men's footwear - product photography studio
Product photography of a packshot of men's shoes
Packshot product photos - men's leather, formal shoes
Product photography packshot of men's footwear - product photography studio
Product photography of a packshot of men's shoes
Packshot product photos - men's leather, formal shoes




FLATSHOT - rozszerzenie packshotów i fotografii produktów odzieżowych można też wykonać także w formie Flatshot, czyli zdjęcia ubrań sfotografowane na płasko, najczęściej na białym tle. Ubrania są starannie ułożone, rozprasowane lub specjalnie lekko pofalowane tak, by nadać im kształt i charakter. Taki sposób prezentacji bardzo pomaga przy prezentacji poprawnych rozmiarów odzieży. 

product photography of clothes - product and flatshot photography - photography studio
Product shoot for a fashion brand
Product shoot for a fashion brand. Product shots, created for amazon platform requirements.
product photography of clothes - product and flatshot photography - photography studio
Product shoot for a fashion brand
Product shoot for a fashion brand. Product shots, created for amazon platform requirements.
product photography of clothes - product and flatshot photography - photography studio
Product shoot for a fashion brand
Product shoot for a fashion brand. Product shots, created for amazon platform requirements.
product photography of clothes - product and flatshot photography - photography studio
Product shoot for a fashion brand
Product shoot for a fashion brand. Product shots, created for amazon platform requirements.
product photography of clothes - product and flatshot photography - photography studio
Product shoot for a fashion brand
Product shoot for a fashion brand. Product shots, created for amazon platform requirements.
product photography of clothes - product and flatshot photography - photography studio
Product shoot for a fashion brand
Product shoot for a fashion brand. Product shots, created for amazon platform requirements.




ZDJĘCIA DUCH - kiedy fotografie nie oddają w pełni wyglądu danego przedmiotu i trudno sobie wyobrazić jak ubrania prezentują się na człowieku, wtedy rozwiązaniem jest fotografia duch/ghost, czyli prezentowane ich na niewidocznym manekinie. Generalnie jest to najtrudniejszy sposób fotografowania ubrań, ponieważ trzeba wykonać kilka fotografii produktowych, a następnie podczas postprodukcji i retuszu połączyć je ze sobą tak, aby wszystko wyglądało naturalnie. Prezentowanie fotografii produktowej typu Duch ma takie zalety, że klient widzi, jak ubranie układa się na ciele.

product photography ghost - packshot photos by product photography studio
Product photography ghost - clothing
Product photos of clothing made in the form of a ghost
product photography ghost - packshot photos by product photography studio
Product photography ghost - clothing
Product photos of clothing made in the form of a ghost
product photography ghost - packshot photos by product photography studio
Product photography ghost - clothing
Product photos of clothing made in the form of a ghost
product photography ghost - packshot photos by product photography studio
Product photography ghost - clothing
Product photos of clothing made in the form of a ghost
product photography ghost - packshot photos by product photography studio
Product photography ghost - clothing
Product photos of clothing made in the form of a ghost
product photography ghost - packshot photos by product photography studio
Product photography ghost - clothing
Product photos of clothing made in the form of a ghost
product photography ghost - packshot photos by product photography studio
Product photography ghost - clothing
Product photos of clothing made in the form of a ghost
product photography ghost - packshot photos by product photography studio
Product photography ghost - clothing
Product photos of clothing made in the form of a ghost
product photography ghost - packshot photos by product photography studio
Product photography ghost - clothing
Product photos of clothing made in the form of a ghost
product photography ghost - packshot photos by product photography studio
Product photography ghost - clothing
Product photos of clothing made in the form of a ghost
product photography ghost - packshot photos by product photography studio
Product photography ghost - clothing
Product photos of clothing made in the form of a ghost
product photography ghost - packshot photos by product photography studio
Product photography ghost - clothing
Product photos of clothing made in the form of a ghost

product photography of sportswear - product and ghost photography - photo studio
Sportswear product packshots
Sportswear packshot session
product photography of sportswear - product and ghost photography - photo studio
Sportswear product packshots
Sportswear packshot session
product photography of sportswear - product and ghost photography - photo studio
Sportswear product packshots
Sportswear packshot session
product photography of sportswear - product and ghost photography - photo studio
Sportswear product packshots
Sportswear packshot session




LOOKBOOK to  seria zdjęć przedstawiająca kolekcję produktów z udziałem modelki / modela. Najczęściej taka sesja zdjęciowa wykonywana jest w studiu na neutralnym tle, by kolorem tła oraz dodatkami nie przyćmić kolekcji. Tego typu fotografie przyciągają klienta, ponieważ w sposób naturalny można zaprezentować wygląd produktu, jego proporcje i rozmiar. Oczywisty jest fakt, że są bardziej kosztowne, niż packshot ale ilość sprzedanych produktów wynagrodzi Ci poczynioną inwestycję.

advertising photography of sportswear - lookbook and advertising photography - photo studio
Sportswear lookbook session
Lookbook for sport brand
advertising photography of sportswear - lookbook and advertising photography - photo studio
Sportswear lookbook session
Lookbook for sport brand
advertising photography of sportswear - lookbook and advertising photography - photo studio
Sportswear lookbook session
Lookbook for sport brand
advertising photography of sportswear - lookbook and advertising photography - photo studio
Sportswear lookbook session
Lookbook for sport brand
advertising photography of sportswear - lookbook and advertising photography - photo studio
Sportswear lookbook session
Lookbook for sport brand
advertising photography of sportswear - lookbook and advertising photography - photo studio
Sportswear lookbook session
Lookbook for sport brand
advertising photography of sportswear - lookbook and advertising photography - photo studio
Sportswear lookbook session
Lookbook for sport brand
advertising photography of sportswear - lookbook and advertising photography - photo studio
Sportswear lookbook session
Lookbook for sport brand
advertising photography of sportswear - lookbook and advertising photography - photo studio
Sportswear lookbook session
Lookbook for sport brand
advertising photography of sportswear - lookbook and advertising photography - photo studio
Sportswear lookbook session
Lookbook for sport brand
advertising photography of sportswear - lookbook and advertising photography - photo studio
Sportswear lookbook session
Lookbook for sport brand
advertising photography of sportswear - lookbook and advertising photography - photo studio
Sportswear lookbook session
Lookbook for sport brand
advertising photography of sportswear - lookbook and advertising photography - photo studio
Sportswear lookbook session
Lookbook for sport brand
advertising photography of sportswear - lookbook and advertising photography - photo studio
Sportswear lookbook session
Lookbook for sport brand
advertising photography of sportswear - lookbook and advertising photography - photo studio
Sportswear lookbook session
Lookbook for sport brand
advertising photography of sportswear - lookbook and advertising photography - photo studio
Sportswear lookbook session
Lookbook for sport brand
advertising photography of sportswear - lookbook and advertising photography - photo studio
Sportswear lookbook session
Lookbook for sport brand
advertising photography of sportswear - lookbook and advertising photography - photo studio
Sportswear lookbook session
Lookbook for sport brand
advertising photography of sportswear - lookbook and advertising photography - photo studio
Sportswear lookbook session
Lookbook for sport brand
advertising photography of sportswear - lookbook and advertising photography - photo studio
Sportswear lookbook session
Lookbook for sport brand
advertising photography of sportswear - lookbook and advertising photography - photo studio
Sportswear lookbook session
Lookbook for sport brand
advertising photography of sportswear - lookbook and advertising photography - photo studio
Sportswear lookbook session
Lookbook for sport brand
advertising photography of sportswear - lookbook and advertising photography - photo studio
Sportswear lookbook session
Lookbook for sport brand
advertising photography of sportswear - lookbook and advertising photography - photo studio
Sportswear lookbook session
Lookbook for sport brand
advertising photography of sportswear - lookbook and advertising photography - photo studio
Sportswear lookbook session
Lookbook for sport brand
fotografia lookbook odzieży sportowej
Sportswear lookbook session
Lookbook for sport brand
fotografia lookbook odzieży sportowej
Sportswear lookbook session
Lookbook for sport brand
fotografia lookbook odzieży sportowej
Sportswear lookbook session
Lookbook for sport brand
fotografia lookbook odzieży sportowej
Sportswear lookbook session
Lookbook for sport brand
advertising photography of sportswear - lookbook and advertising photography - photo studio
Sportswear lookbook session
Lookbook for sport brand
advertising photography of sportswear - lookbook and advertising photography - photo studio
Sportswear lookbook session
Lookbook for sport brand
advertising photography of sportswear - lookbook and advertising photography - photo studio
Sportswear lookbook session
Lookbook for sport brand
advertising photography of sportswear - lookbook and advertising photography - photo studio
Sportswear lookbook session
Lookbook for sport brand
advertising photography of sportswear - lookbook and advertising photography - photo studio
Sportswear lookbook session
Lookbook for sport brand
advertising photography of sportswear - lookbook and advertising photography - photo studio
Sportswear lookbook session
Lookbook for sport brand
advertising photography of sportswear - lookbook and advertising photography - photo studio
Sportswear lookbook session
Lookbook for sport brand
advertising photography of sportswear - lookbook and advertising photography - photo studio
Sportswear lookbook session
Lookbook for sport brand
advertising photography of sportswear - lookbook and advertising photography - photo studio
Sportswear lookbook session
Lookbook for sport brand




EDYTORIAL - jest to sesja zdjęć, na których modelka/modele zwykle mają na sobie stylizacje złożone z ubrań i dodatków różnych projektantów/marek lub różnią się charakterem scenografii, czy plastyką zdjęć. Co ważne tego typu zdjęcia można wykorzystać do kampanii reklamowych, prezentacji produktu w social mediach, zbudować layouty landing page czy banery nagłówkowe konkretnych kategorii, które w znacznym stopniu przyciągną do sprzedaży krzyżowej innych produktów.

product photography of nightgowns - product photography - photography studio
Product photos for the Dreamairy nightgown manufacturer
product photography of nightgowns - product photography - photography studio
Product photos for the Dreamairy nightgown manufacturer
product photography of nightgowns - product photography - photography studio
Product photos for the Dreamairy nightgown manufacturer
product photography of nightgowns - product photography - photography studio
Product photos for the Dreamairy nightgown manufacturer
product photography of nightgowns - product photography - photography studio
Product photos for the Dreamairy nightgown manufacturer
product photography of nightgowns - product photography - photography studio
Product photos for the Dreamairy nightgown manufacturer
product photography of nightgowns - product photography - photography studio
Product photos for the Dreamairy nightgown manufacturer
product photography of nightgowns - product photography - photography studio
Product photos for the Dreamairy nightgown manufacturer
product photography of nightgowns - product photography - photography studio
Product photos for the Dreamairy nightgown manufacturer
Product photos for the Dreamairy nightgown manufacturer
fotografia produktowa koszul nocnych  - fotografie produktowe  - studio fotografii
Product photos for the Dreamairy nightgown manufacturer
fotografia produktowa koszul nocnych  - fotografie produktowe  - studio fotografii
Product photos for the Dreamairy nightgown manufacturer
fotografia produktowa koszul nocnych  - fotografie produktowe  - studio fotografii
Product photos for the Dreamairy nightgown manufacturer
product photography of nightgowns - product photography - photography studio
Product photos for the Dreamairy nightgown manufacturer
product photography of nightgowns - product photography - photography studio
Product photos for the Dreamairy nightgown manufacturer
product photography of nightgowns - product photography - photography studio
Product photos for the Dreamairy nightgown manufacturer
product photography of nightgowns - product photography - photography studio
Product photos for the Dreamairy nightgown manufacturer
product photography of nightgowns - product photography - photography studio
Product photos for the Dreamairy nightgown manufacturer




VIDEO i Filmy produktowe to narzędzie reklamowe, które koncentruje się na wypromowaniu określonego produktu. Zwykle filmy objaśniają specyficzne cechy działania produktu, uwydatnia jego zalety i pozwala odbiorcom na lepsze poznanie szczegółów i wyróżnienie się spośród konkurencji. Na filmie można z łatwością zaprezentować, działanie zamków, zakładanie, układanie ubrań podczas ruchu itp


Warto zastanowić się jakich zdjęć tak naprawdę potrzebujemy. Istotne jest zweryfikowanie grupy docelowej, ich potrzeb czy oczekiwań, ale punktem milowym jest dopracowanie karty produktowej oferty sprzedażowej.
Większość właścicieli sklepów internetowych skupia główną uwagę na projekcie strony głównej, ale zapomina przy tym, że kampania reklamowa, pozycjonowanie organiczne czy linki do sklepu, prowadzą w większości bezpośrednio do karty produktowej. To właśnie karta produktowa, poza oczywistymi elementami takimi jak: nazwa produktu, cena, krótki opis, szczegółowy opis, warianty i atrybuty, które pozwalają się wczytać, musi zawierać poprawnie wykonane zdjęcia produktowe.
Jeden prosty packshot nie wystarczy. Istotne jest takie zaprezentowanie produktu, by wyczerpać pytania, które pojawią się w głowie klienta podczas ich przeglądania. Pamiętaj, by podczas procesu wyboru produktu, klient nie musiał myśleć za przedsiębiorcę, nie musiał szukać informacji, pisać pytań itp. To ujemne punkty, które wpływają na odbiór całościowy i lojalność jako klient. 
Sklepy internetowe, które mają najlepsze współczynniki konwersji poza treściami, prezentują produkt w formie połączenia wszystkich powyższych rodzajów fotografii. Decyzja zależy zawsze od Ciebie czy zaprezentujesz swój produkt w wersji tańszej i skróconej, ale bez inwestycji w content treści, grafik i zdjęć czy filmów reklamowych nie będzie łatwo znaleźć klienta.
See more
Types of photographs and their definitions
Types of photographs and their definitions
Amazon jak wyróżnić się na tle konkurencji
Amazon jak wyróżnić się na tle konkurencji
Zdjęcia produktowe do Allegro
Zdjęcia produktowe do Allegro
Choosing the right product photography studio
Choosing the right product photography studio
Product photography and graphic design studio

At, we take product packshot photos, advertising photos in individual arrangements, photos of clothing in spirit and on models (lookbooks). Our product and advertising photography studio is located in Bielsko-Biała, but we serve clients from Poland and all over Europe. Check our price list for product and advertising photography. Speak soon!


Product photography COPYRIGHT © 2022 All rights reserved. we have been operating since 2008-2022, we celebrate 14 years.